Important Information About Choosing And Using A Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aid For Your Baby

If your child under the age of a year suffers from a hearing loss, he or she is not alone, and providing them with the most appropriate hearing aid as soon as possible is crucial to encouraging normal speech development. Although it is not unusual to detect hearing loss soon after birth, the tests do not always find them at that time, and as a result, the statistics on hearing loss in babies can vary extensively.

However, at least one and perhaps as many as six out of every thousand babies born in the United States each year have a hearing loss. In general, a behind-the-ear hearing aid is recommended for babies.

How To Recognize A Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aid

Fortunately, today the behind-the-ear style (BTE) is an ideal option for young children, including newborns. Young children do not outgrow a behind-the-ear style as quickly as they will other options. In addition, it is less likely to injury kids if it were to accidentally become damaged while in use, and your doctor may suggest a miniature BTE hearing aid for very young babies.

Because many children have hearing loss in both ears, they should wear a hearing aid on both ears whenever possible. A BTE hearing aid, is petite in appearance and  goes over and behind the ear.

Like other hearing aids, it transfers sound to the ear canal after making it louder, and that means that it is vital for the hearing aid to fit your baby as comfortably as possible. As your baby matures and starts to pull on it, you can safely secure or even tape this type of hearing aid to the appropriate area to prevent damage or loss. It consists of two pieces, the mold which connects to the ear and the actual hearing aid, both of which can be cleaned with a soft rag.

How To Be Sure That The Hearing Aid Is Necessary And That It Works

There are a variety of effective tests that can determine the severity of hearing loss that your baby has, even immediately after birth. If he or she fails the test, your son or daughter will usually be tested again to verify the results. If the hearing loss can be confirmed, a fitting for the hearing aid will soon occur.

While the hearing aid is in place, an audiologist, like those at Audiologists Northwest, or a hearing specialist will evaluate that the hearing aid is producing an appropriate amount of sound. Then, a small tube is introduced into the baby's ear, and the sound the baby hears is measured. Most models allow you to adjust the sound that your baby hears remotely, when necessary, such as when they are sleeping or in a noisy area.

In conclusion, early detection and treatment of hearing loss is vital in order for your son or daughter to develop normal speech abilities, and behind-the-ear hearing aid will be a comfortable and effective solution to promoting your child's development.
