Two Things You Can Do At Home To Treat Varicose Veins

When people develop varicose veins, their first thought is to get rid of them fast. Although there are a variety of surgical procedures that can be done to remove these unsightly marks, there are simple things you can do at home that may prevent or reduce the appearance of varicose veins. Here are two varicose vein treatments you can try.

Get Some Vitamin K

Varicose veins are caused by weakened blood vessels that allow blood to pool in an area rather than circulate through the body. Blood vessels can become weakened for a variety of reasons and diet is one of them. If your diet consists mainly of junk or processed foods, you may be missing out on the vitamins necessary for keeping your blood vessels strong and healthy.

Therefore, one thing you can do is change your diet so that you're getting the vitamins essential to vein health. For instance, varicose veins have been linked to a vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K is necessary for activating a protein called MGP which, in turn, prevents the calcification of cell walls. In one study, rats that were depleted of their vitamin K stores developed arterial calcification when their stores were not replenished, while those that were given vitamin K didn't develop this problem.

You can get vitamin K from green leafy vegetables, scallions, cabbage, broccoli, prunes, and cucumbers. However, supplements can be helpful if you're unable to get it other ways. Creams containing vitamin K have also been found to be somewhat effective at minimizing the appearance of varicose veins when applied topically.


It seems like for every health problem out there, exercise is inevitably recommended to treat it. When it comes to preventing and treating varicose veins, though, exercise can be an invaluable tool for keeping your skin smooth and bulge-free.

Exercise promotes good circulation in areas that are prone to manifesting varicose veins, such as the lower legs and thighs. Improved circulation prevents the blood from pooling and can help strengthen veins.

It is recommended that adults get between 75 to 150 minutes of exercise per week. The best exercises for improving circulation are those that get your heart pumping, such as running, walking, and low-impact aerobics. An added bonus to starting an exercise program is you may lose weight, which can also help prevent varicose veins.

For more information about these or other options for treating varicose veins, contact your healthcare provider.
