Living With A Child's CKD: What To Do

Chronic kidney disease--or CKD--is hard for anyone, but when your child has the disease at a young age, navigating life can be more difficult for everyone in the family. How can you soothe your child and help them manage CKD?

Keep Learning

After initial diagnosis and some days of following their CKD treatment plan, you may not find much reason to do further investigation into the disease itself or anything other than what you've already discussed with their pediatrician. However, it's imperative that learning remains a part of your coping activities. Learning more about kidney disease will assist you in explaining treatments to your child, for instance. The knowledge you learn can make you more aware of new treatments, alternative medications and other things to discuss with your pediatrician.

Get Support

Your child may be the only one in their school with CKD. Finding groups where other kids also have this disease can be beneficial for your child. Knowing that other children are thriving in spite of their condition can give your child hope and comfort.

Your child isn't the only person in need of assistance or support. You, your spouse and other children may also reap the benefits of family support groups. If you're having trouble related to the disease it's helpful to seek solace from parents in the same health situation.

Tell Adults

If your child is able to attend school, clubs and other activities, it's vital adults there are notified about the health condition. Even friend home visits should be accompanied with a brief conversation about CKD. When your child isn't with you, adults will need to know something about the diet restrictions, physical stamina and other health implications of kidney disease. That way, they can avoid pushing your child too far in sports, feeding them something they shouldn't eat or doing anything else which could affect your child.

Check In Frequently

While you're likely to see how your child responds to their CKD treatments and glimpse their overall mood each day, it's important to get beyond what you observe. Ask your child how they feel about treatment and living with CKD. Even if they don't say much when you ask, keep checking in with their feelings and thoughts so that you can make family decisions which might improve things for them.

Your child's kidney disease is managed more successfully when you and your spouse observe these CKD recommendations. Continue complying with your child's specific CKD treatment and regularly talk with the pediatrician about their progress.
