Five Considerations For Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery can free you from the need for annoying glasses or contact lenses. It is important to make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure, though.

1. Vision Condition

Only certain vision conditions can be repaired by laser eye surgery. Fortunately, these happen to be the most common conditions that lead to blurry vision and the need for contacts or glasses. Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism issues can all generally be repaired with laser eye surgery. All of these conditions can be fixed simply by reshaping the cornea, which is the purpose of laser eye surgery.

2. Condition Stability

It is important that your vision be relatively stable before you have laser surgery. If your vision is still undergoing relatively rapid changes, which is often the case during puberty or during or immediately following pregnancy, then it is best to postpone surgery until your vision stabilizes. Otherwise, you may need to return for additional surgery at a later time as your vision continues to change. Keep in mind that vision will continue to change as you age, so you may need glasses again decades after the surgery.

3. Eye Health

Your eyes must be relatively healthy in order to qualify for laser eye surgery. Conditions like cataracts or glaucoma are a contraindication for surgery. Even somewhat minor conditions, like chronic dry eyes, may make someone a poor surgery candidate. This is because dry eye conditions tend to worsen following laser surgery. Your doctor will evaluate you for the most common eye conditions, but make sure to answer all questions honestly or you could hurt more than help your vision.

4. General Health

Overall general health is another consideration when it comes to laser surgery. Certain chronic health conditions, like diabetes, can affect both the body's ability to heal as well as your vision. Any condition or medication that suppresses the immune system can also be a concern. Keep in mind that having such a health condition doesn't automatically rule out laser surgery. Your eye doctor will have to work closely with your medical doctor, though, to help ensure the best outcome if you are found to be otherwise eligible for laser eye surgery.

5. Injuries

Certain eye injuries can pose a risk for surgery. Generally, these are injuries that have lead to eyelid issues or permanent damage to the tear ducts. Your eye surgeon will have to carefully consider whether the tissue changes from the eye injury after healing will negatively impact the laser surgery before they can go ahead with the procedure.

Contact a laser eye surgery provider to learn more.
