Tips to Limit Screen Time for Your Child

Screen time such as watching television and playing games on a tablet or on a cell phone are all OK for your child sometimes, but when this is all your child wants to do, there is a problem. Screen time should be limited to no more than 1 to 2 hours per day for children over 2 years old according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. You need to be responsible as a parent to limit this screen time and give your child a chance to play and learn in other ways. [Read More]

Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Testing: What It Is And How It Can Impact Your Family Planning Efforts

Genome testing – a controversial subject that becomes more relevant with every passing day. As technological and scientific knowledge continues to grow, so does the amount of information available to the general public. If you and your partner are considering genome testing before you start your family, you may have a few questions running through your minds. Who Should Consider Genetic Testing? If you or your spouse are suspected carriers for a disorder, or you belong to a certain ethnic group, prenatal genetic testing can help you to sort through your options more thoroughly. [Read More]

When To Visit An Allergy Specialist: Three Common Clues

Some years are worse for allergy sufferers than others, and if you've ever been impacted by an especially pollen-filled season, you probably understand the importance of having an allergy specialist standing by. When you're allergic to multiple allergens, narrowing the culprits can be nearly impossible without the help of someone specially trained in the field. If you suffer from allergies, making an appointment with an allergist can help ease your discomfort. [Read More]

Vulvodynia: Causes And Treatment Options

Vulvodynia is a medical condition from which many women suffer, but never seek treatment. The condition can impact everything from your sex life to sitting. Here is what you need to know about the condition and when to talk to your ob-gyn. What Is Vulvodynia?  Vulvodynia is a condition that causes chronic pain around the vulva. Scientists have been unable to pinpoint a cause for the condition. However, it is thought that factors, such as past vaginal infections and hormonal changes, can be a contributing factor to the condition. [Read More]