When Should You See A Grief Counselor?

When you experience a loss, you may need to seek a grief counselor in order to help you deal with your grief. That is a decision that you have to make because you are the only one who truly knows how you are doing, but how do you know when grief counseling is appropriate or when you are just grieving and it will pass? Continue reading to learn about the symptoms that could happen that suggest you should consider finding a counselor. [Read More]

The Physician Owned Practice - Four Reasons You Are In Good Hands

There is a certain skepticism swirling around these days about whether physicians enter private practice to offer the best patient care or to get financial gain. Specifically, the thought of receiving care at a hospital that a physician has a monetary stake in can leave one worried about the true motivation of their physician. This shouldn't always be the case, though. Here are four reasons doctor-owned hospitals might be a better fit for your health care needs. [Read More]